Monday, July 18, 2011

My Valuable Hunting Knife/Little Dipper

Here are my two jams of the past week or so. They're both from 1995!

"My Valuable Hunting Knife" by Guided by Voices, from Alien Lanes (1995)

"Little Dipper" by Hum, from You'd Prefer an Astronaut (1995)

1 comment:

Phil Dokas said...

I saw your toots on Tooter about You’d Prefer An Astronaut jams and had to give it another listen, because of course, if someone mentions Hum clearly it's time to put on a Hum album.

So many amazing little guitar sounds. Like 27 seconds into The Pod? Pretty sure that's a dragon sample. And that tone on Why I Like The Robins and I’d Like Your Hair Long and I Hate It Too? All. So. Good!

And man, Motor Away --> My Valuable Hunting Knife has got to be some of the best four and a half minutes on any GBV album. Just ignore that 23 seconds of Hit. Not so much that part.