Sunday, September 23, 2012

Just Married/Celebration Rock/Dream Journal EP

Just Married - Glocca Morra (Kind of Like, 2012)
I'm so glad that this east coast emo revival thing is still going strong, if not getting even better. Philly's Algernon Cadwallader (sigh... R.I.P.) were the kings, but it seems they've passed the flag to Glocca Morra, who play a similar style of bright, upbeat emo with ringing, noodly (but not too noodly) guitars, bouncy rhythms, catchy melodies and all sorts of time changes and stops and starts. Overall, Just Married definitely is an emo record with nods to pop punk at times, but man, it is all over the place. The structures and compositions of these songs are massively complex, but still, the music here is extremely accessible and easily lovable (if you're not an idiot). I absolutely love this record, and the reasons are many (impressive complexity, melodies, intense vocals, nostalgia, youthful but not immature angst, all the music nerd stuff I listed above), but mainly, it is just such a blast to listen to. I'll go ahead and say it: at this point, probably my favorite record of the year? And, with it being September and all, it's hard to imagine it being overtaken by anything else. If you know me well and listen to this, you should understand.

Celebration Rock - Japandroids (Polyvinyl, 2012)
I didn't fully get Post-Nothing until it was way too late (like, just a few months ago), but it was fun to immerse myself in it before the release of Japandroids' much anticipated follow-up, Celebration Rock. And what a follow-up it is. Celebration Rock doesn't really quit until it ends, which is perhaps a stupid and obvious statement to make, but do you know what I mean? It is nonstop rock and roll. No real breaks, no ballads, no nothing like that. These two dudes seem like they have an endless fount of energy and passion, and it is so much fun to listen to them (and I would imagine watch them) bring it. While Celebration Rock lacks the hints of emo and shoegaze that I appreciate so much in Post-Nothing, I am way into this album's more unhinged energy, emotion and sound. I hear a little bit of The Replacements, and that rules. I'm not gonna go so far as to say that this is the best rock album of the year (see above), but it certainly is not far off.

Dream Journal EP - Living Room (self-released, 2012)
More emo revival! I don't know anything about Living Room, but I randomly came across their Dream Journal EP and was content with the results. The production isn't great but isn't bad, and the vocals are little too adolescent for my liking, but it all combines into something charmingly raw. Great guitars not unlike Braid and the like, and the song structures are complicated just the way I like it. Dream Journal is a pleasant surprise, and yet another testament to how good this reemergence of emo is for our planet. The jam "Red Saints" is tops.

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