Friday, June 13, 2008

Zoos of Berlin EP

Zoos of Berlin EP
Zoos of Berlin EP
Zoos of Berlin
(Self-released, 2007)
Rating: 84%

After a few years of playing shows without any recorded material (aside from demos), Detroit’s Zoos of Berlin have finally blessed our ears with this beauty of an EP.

“Below the Old House” opens things up with some pretty feedback swells then flows nicely into a jagged funky rhythm. When the vocals hit you can tell these dudes love them some Bowie. The rich harmonies at the end are reminiscent of Simon & Garfunkel. All hopped up on Bowie, of course.

Where the keyboards take center stage instrumentally on “Below the Old House,” “Speak Well of Manderlay” boasts distorted guitars and a sort of 70s rock swagger. “On Large Amusements” brings things to a mellow close and throws a wrench in traditional pop chord progression. The drums throughout are played with a precision and jazziness not too unlike John McEntire.

It is evident these dudes really know how to play their instruments. There is no wankery here. Zoos of Berlin are easily one of the tightest, most talented bands in the Midwest and these three songs are a great representation of what an EP should be. The listener is left wanting much more. And this is just their debut. Just you wait for that full length!

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